With the start of the new year, I keep looking back at 2008 and feel like I just jumped from 2007 straight to 2009. 2008 doesn't register with me as a significant or important year, and I keep focusing mainly on all those things that I didn't accomplish and how I feel like it was a "wasted year." While this is true in many respects (gaining back about 30 pounds, quitting my exercise/running routine, quitting my job with IT and working a part-time job I can hardly tolerate), 2008 was also a year of many celebrations, new adventures, great friends, and reconciled friendships; I must look past my losses and failures and concentrate on all the great things that did happen for me in 2008.
FEBRUARYFor my sister's 31st birthday, our family went to see the Blue Man Group, a show that I've wanted to see for a very long time. And I got to meet one of the Blue Men!

I also had the opportunity to go to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas in February for Missy's bachelorette party. Not only did I get to see two great landmarks in America, I got to see Missy and Amanda, both of which I hadn't seen in about three years!

AND (!) we were able to relive some of our debauchery from the College Program. And, really, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Or stays with the people that you went with and then hope to GOD that they never bring up your secrets to your other friends.
APRILFor about three years, Kim and I had been talking about going sailing one day. Kim finally made it happen for us this year, and it was amazing! Not only did we go sailing, but we went snorkeling in about 45-degree water (alright, it
may not have been that cold, but it sure felt like it!). It was definitely an experience to remember!
And for all those wondering, I'm wearing the most amazing hat ever...it reads: "Lobster divers get more tail!" And it's sooo true.

JULYOne of the best things about this year was my sister's wedding and all the events leading up to it. As my sister's Maid of Honor (a first for me), I shot my sister's engagement photos, arranged her bridal shower and bachelorette party, attended her amazing wedding in Sarasota, and gained a brother-in-law. It was an exciting few weeks in July, with Michelle and Eric's wedding and family visiting from England and South Africa - the most family I have seen in 21 years!
Engagement Photos

Wedding Photos

Family PhotosFrom left to right: Eric, Michelle, Mom, Dad, me, Cheryl (Chris's wife), Chris (my Dad's brother), Hester (my Mom's sister), and Jan (Hester's husband)

From left to right: Jan, Chris, Cheryl, Dad, Hester, me, Mom
SEPTEMBERSeptember has to be my favorite month of 2008. I went to Vancouver, WA for Missy and Patrick's wedding. Not only did I finally get to meet Patrick and see Missy, Colleen, and Erin, I finally had a chance to see the west coast. Then, after the amazing wedding and weekend, Missy and Patrick came to Orlando for a week where we got to spend even more time together!
And, PS, what happens in WA
Wedding Weekend Photos

Honeymoon PhotosAnd the debauchery continues...now
this was a real College Program reunion!

And to close it out...